Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday and More

Hannah has been talking about the arrival of Good Friday for the past week anxiously awaiting this very sad day.  She woke up late this morning, walked into the kitchen where her sister was eating breakfast and announced "Lily does not look sad!"  After breakfast we did a little reflecting on Good Friday and the events that led up to Jesus' crucifixion.  We pulled out our paper and crayons to put images with our words...

We began by tracing our feet and hands and talking about the nails that pierced Jesus' hands and feet..

We talked about the crown of thorns that sat on Jesus' head...

and the cross where Jesus was crucified and died...

I have been completely amazed this Lenten season at how much a 3 year old can understand about the death and resurrection of our Lord.  I have learned that it is never to early to start developing a child's faith and knowledge of God. 

After our Good Friday drawing session we went outside to enjoy a beautiful day.  Bekah gave Hannah and Lily cute new dresses covered with white and yellow flowers....

We decided to go on a flower hunting excursion to celebrate their new attire.  We took the camera and began a search for all the white and yellow flowers that we could find on our street.  We did not come up empty handed...

Thanks so much for the dresses and the inspiration for our flower hunt Sister!!  We were very successful and had lots of fun.

Before I leave you I have to tell you about my April Fool's joke I pulled on my dear husband.  It involved these...

I should preface this by saying that yes, I am 33, even though you might think I am 9 after I tell you this.  Okay back to my story.  So last night after I brushed my teeth I took our tube of toothpaste...

and inserted a raisin...

Now I knew Matt had not brushed his teeth yet, so after I put the raisin in I hopped into bed, pulled the covers up, giggled and waited.  Matt went into the bathroom and there I was under the covers trying not to laugh out loud waiting for his scream.  I am not sure what I thought he would think the raisin was when it came out of the tube onto his toothbrush, but I had a few guesses.  Anyway, next thing I knew Matt came quietly out of the bathroom and got in to bed.  No mention of anything unusual.  So I quickly reacted with a "Did you brush your teeth?"  Matt: "Yes! Why?"  Me: "Just wondering..."  Matt:  "Why?  What's wrong? Does my breath stink?"  Me:  "No no it's nothing.  Good night."  I couldn't believe that my plan hadn't worked, but I didn't say anything in hopes that it would be an April 2nd joke.  Well this morning Matt came out of the bathroom and said "Guess what was in the toothpaste tube!"  Me, laughing:  "What?"  Matt: "A raisin!"  Me, now dying laughing: "A raisin?!"  Matt:  "Did you put that in there?  I almost gagged!  I thought the toothpaste had molded and I knew the toothpaste tasted really weird last night!"  Me:  Nothing because I couldn't stop laughing.   I am still laughing right now though I have been promised payback.  It was totally worth it and you should try it on your husband the next time he brushes his teeth.  I have laughed all day long thinking about it.  Ok, again I promise I am 33 not 9.


  1. I'm so glad the dresses fit and even more importantly...I inspired you and the girls!!

    I'm getting really good ideas from you to use with my children ;-D Thanks for continuing to share your ideas with me and gracefully allowing me to copy you ;-D

    Much love and Happy Easter!

  2. Sarah - you are so creative!! I love reading all that you do with those sweet girls. What a wonderful mommy. Glad to hear y'all had a great Easter weekend. God bless!
