Saturday, July 17, 2010

Our Garden

We spend a good deal of time these days watering and watching our little garden...

We have had what seems to be great success with our raised garden and things are growing at an amazing rate each day.  This is my first ever vegetable garden and I have to say that it is such fun to share this with my girls but also I have found that this garden is a little getaway for Mama.  Hannah and I will water the garden in the evenings when there is time before bed and other times I do it alone after the girls are asleep.  On those nights I have found such a peace in this quiet time alone tending to these plants and watching them grow.  I have always heard people talk about the "zen" of gardening and I think I have some understanding of what they mean now.

These sugar snap pea and carrot sprouts have grown tremendously since these pictures were taken a few weeks ago...

I love this picture of a green pepper in our garden because if you look closely in the background there is another tiny pepper just starting to grow...

We have several tomatoes on our vine that are ripening with each day...

We planted these pretties to add a pop of color to our otherwise green garden...

And our most exciting garden news is that these tiny cucumbers...

turn in to giant ole cukes, several of which have already been harvested by these little hands...

We have MANY cucumbers on the vine and I am looking forward to making our first ever batch of homemade pickles in the coming weeks.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm impressed with the garden! When will the watermelons be ready? Those are what I'm most excited to eat!! Yummmmmmm!!!!

    Keep me posted--B

  2. The garden looks even better in person. It is amazing how much you get in that small space. It is great for the kids, and really healthy. Love your blog, even though I don't comment as much as I should. Grandad
