Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boo! It's Halloween!

Halloween is finally here and let me just tell you it has been one long week. We had our costumes ready and our Halloween costume parties lined class, school, church, friend's party. Hannah was so excited and then all of the sudden my girls got sick. Lily had a mild sinus infection but poor Hannah had a respiratory infection.  That was bad enough but then Hannah caught a stomach bug on top of the infection.  M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E.  That is a pretty good word to describe sickness topped with knowing that all your friends are enjoying the Halloween fun while you are stuck in the bed...

and your costume hangs unworn in the closet...

Thankfully we decorated early this year so we were already in a festive mood...


I tried not to let the pity party hang around too long.  This weekend between resting and snuggles we tried to slip in a little Halloween fun.  We did manage to carve our pumpkin...


Afterwards we roasted the pumpkin seeds for a yummy treat...

And put our pumpkin on the front steps to welcome Halloween visitors...

Thankfully after resting all day today my little ones were ready for some trick or treating....

We didn't stay out trick or treating too long because Hannah is still getting her strength back but it was plenty of time to have fun and collect a bag full of goodies. We are looking forward to starting this week off healthy and beginning plans for welcoming everyone to our home for Thanksgiving. I love the holidays! Happy Halloween!!!


  1. Ooooooooh, they are the sweetest! V was under the weather right up until the 24-hour mark for being fever free! Glad they recovered just in the nick of time, too!

  2. SOOOOO CUTE!!! I can't believe you got Hannah to show those teeth for your pictures.. she wouldn't for me :-( Your "still life" pictures are looking really really good!

  3. Precious! I am so glad they got to do a little Trick or Treating. I also didn't know that Matt was such a talented pumpkin carver. :o)
