Friday, August 13, 2010

A visit from Rachel

My sister Rachel came to visit last weekend...

Rachel lives in Nashville and is a student by day and an employee of one of my favorite stores in the whole wide world, Anthropologie, by night.  She is super busy and so her trip was quick but filled with fun.  Hannah was so excited about Rachel's visit that she woke up early, dressed herself and came in to the kitchen and asked "Is she here yet, is she here yet?!"  This from my oldest child who usually appears in the morning still half asleep, hair going every which way, and drags herself in to my bed.  She was excited to say the least.

Hannah and Lily had a great time with Rachel.  They laughed...

They cried...

They played...

They read...

They celebrated (Rachel had a birthday last week)...

By the end they were pooped...

It was a fun but, as always, way too short of a visit and we hope Rachel will come see us again very soon.


  1. Well, I'm glad Rachel gets to take all the cute pictures. Looks like they really love their Aunt Rachel (but I'm still their favorite).

    Much love--B

  2. I had so much fun!! Thanks for the pictures!! Love you all!!
